Tuesday 16 April 2013

The Nugget Multisport Festival - Waihi

This coming weekend I'm off to Waihi to do an off-road duathlon, the Nugget Multisport Festival is on down at Waihi Beach. Looks like it's going to be a big event, like the Dual there's a heap of different events to choose from. The full nugget includes kayaking, trail running, mountain biking and road biking, I was pretty keen on the idea of the full nugget but since I don't have a kayak I've decided to do the Half Nugget which has a 10km trail run, 22km MTB bike and 2.5km run to finish, will be fun as! I haven't done much in the way of running so it's been fun to give some running a go (although I definitely prefer being on two wheels, coz you can go way faster!) I've been training for the Nugget for a few weeks now, so far so good, I'm enjoying the running and am feeling pretty good for this coming weekend. I've been running off road as much as possible to prepare myself for the epic 10km trail run (well epic for me anyway!) I hear it's quite technical with a 2km uphill at the end. What have I got myself into!?  

Above: What goes up must eventually come down!!!
Below: Trail running at Riverhead
(Thanks Peter for coming to with me and taking the photos!)
I've been out training at Riverhead, Muriwai and anywhere I can find decent technical off road tracks. Went out to Riverhead on the weekend to do a run, bike, run session. Riverhead was running so mint after the little bit of rain we had, just enough to settle the dust, there were a few puddles but with a bit of skill they were avoidable. Mint conditions for training! 
Orokawa Bay, one of the Bays I'll run through

Here's a brief on the half nugget event and what I'm going to face this Saturday. The half nugget starts at the northern end of Waihi beach with a 10km run through scenic single track along the coast side.  Apparently there's a lot of technical sections, steep pinch climbs and technical drops. Mean!! It follows the coast along till Homunga Bay and then heads upwards to the MTB transition area. The 22km Mountain Bike goes onto some farm tracks then straight into single track. Yayer this is gonna be the best part! :) The thought of the single track ahead is what's gonna get me through the 10km run! Last of all there's a lap round the Pit Rim walkway then it's into the final 2.5km run around the Martha Mine. Looking forward to it!
Waihi Beach , where the event will start


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